Interactive Website and Print
NASA Headquarters - Washington D.C.
Project Details:
NASA came to our group needing a promotional piece that could be given out at trade shows that would spark interest in NASA's new exploration goals. We worked with their marketing team to come up with a unique idea that could be used in several settings and also be updated via the web depending on the subject matter of the event. We proposed an idea using a printed stereoscope to view 3D image cards and produce a Flash-based website that: provided instructions for the printed piece; introduced new cards that could be printed at home; and promoted the current content for an event. Both the viewer, the website and additional printed cards were handed out at NASA events and the response was great. NASA decided to continue using the viewer and we created additional cards and illustrations for the Apollo missions. A second Flash site called ESN3D was also created with new cards that focused on NASA’s earth science projects.
Creative Director, Designer, Project Manager
• Creative leadership, design and brand execution.
• Managed team of animators and developers.
• Managed budget and timeline.
• Worked directly with NASA Headquarters on product development.
2009 Adobe's Website of the Day.
2009 Award of Excellence Gold - EXN3D Website
2009 Addy Awards Silver - EXN3D Website
2009 Addy Awards Silver - Illustrations
2009 Communicator Award of Excellence Gold - EXN3D Website
2010 Award of Excellence Gold - EXN3D Print