Image Mapping / Design
Alabama Bicentennial Celebration Community - Montgomery, AL
Project Details:
The Alabama Bicentennial Community and Poarch Creek Indians (sponsor) asked us to be apart of their 200 year celebration of Alabama History. Our team - myself, animators, videographers and writers - worked with a commissioned artist who designed sculpted plates commemorating different areas within Alabama's timeline. We worked with the artist and celebration community to design a full featured image mapping presentation, including a light show, that closed out the event in December of 2019. Thousands of attendees were on hand to see this historic presentation.
Creative Director, Designer
• Creative leadership, designer and overall execution.
• Managed team of animators and videographers.
• Worked with project manager on budget and timeline.
• Worked with team on story concept for script and storyboarding.
• 2020 Addy Award Gold (2)
• 2020 Communicator Award Gold